Josh Cutting a students hair in front of the student body while giving a presentation

Motivational speaker, barber

Josh newman
Once lost in the grip of addiction and facing the consequences of his choices
Josh ‘Grizzly’ Newman is a captivating motivational speaker whose journey is a testament to the power of transformation.
He found redemption through self-discovery and a commitment to a better life.
Growing and learning

Josh Newman has a story to tell

Josh speaks with raw honesty about his struggles with drugs and the challenges he faced on the road to recovery. His story resonates deeply, inspiring audiences to overcome adversity, make positive choices, and embrace the second chances life offers.

Transformative Story

Josh has a captivating story he loves to share with people. His passion is to inspire people to become the best version of themselves through his personal experiences.


Josh placed gold in barbering in the Wisconsin state conference which allowed him the opportunity to compete in SkillsUSA National barbering competition where he placed 7th.

Student Of the year

Josh Newman received the student of the year award for the 2022-2023 Academic Year.

Public Speaker

Josh was chosen to deliver the commencement speech for the Nicolet College graduation ceremony.


Book Josh Newman

Book Josh as a motivational speaker